Meet the team

At Asia White Collar, we believe that the happiness of our consultants, both in terms of financial and non-financial aspects, is key to sustaining excellence in the talent industry. By prioritizing our consultants’ happiness, we can naturally fulfill our other objectives of providing great service to our clients and candidates.

What we do for you

Our focus on our consultants has attracted and nurtured a team of passionate connectors and subject-matter experts in their respective recruitment specializations. Their happiness at AWC translates to an unswerving commitment to speed and quality for our clients

To further assist our clients in matching the right talent to the right job faster and with better business results, we also leverage decades of knowledge, networks, and market insights of our Advisors and Partners in Vietnam and around the world.

Meet our team

Adam Nguyen
Managing Consultant

Lead Recruitment Consultant

Head of Desk

CEO, VNP Group

Director, Deloitte Private

Get a free consult!

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